Ultrasonic Testing Technology with Elios 3 Drones

At XD4Solutions, the official representative of Flyability in Brazil, we are transforming the way industrial inspections are conducted. The Elios 3 technology offers an innovative solution for non-destructive ultrasonic testing (NDT), using drones to perform ultrasonic thickness measurements in hard-to-reach environments. With this technology, we are bringing a new reality where safety, efficiency, and precision combine to deliver impressive results without the need for interruptions or large support teams.

With this cutting-edge technology, using the Elios 3 for industrial inspections provides numerous advantages, revolutionizing the market and ensuring the proper maintenance of assets such as tanks, pipelines, and even ship hulls.

What is Ultrasonic Testing?

Ultrasonic testing (UT) is an advanced inspection technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to measure the thickness of materials and assess the integrity of assets. The process is highly precise and can detect defects such as corrosion, cracks, and wear without damaging the structure. UT is widely used to inspect metallic materials like steel but can also be applied to other materials, such as concrete and wood.

Typically, the process is conducted with specialized equipment that generates ultrasonic waves through transducers. These waves pass through the material and are reflected back, allowing the equipment to measure thickness and detect potential anomalies.

With the introduction of Elios 3, we are simplifying this process, offering the ability to perform these measurements without requiring human entry into confined spaces or dangerous heights.

How Does Ultrasonic Testing Work?

Ultrasonic measurement works by sending sound waves through the material being tested. A probe emits a sound wave and receives the echo back after it travels through the material. From this echo, the equipment calculates the thickness of the material with great precision.

Traditionally, this would require site preparation, surface cleaning, and setting up scaffolding or other access systems for human operators. However, with the Elios 3 and its UT payload, the need for human entry is eliminated. The drone can access hard-to-reach areas and perform the measurements quickly, efficiently, and safely.

Common Ultrasonic Testing Methods

Ultrasonic testing offers different techniques to meet the inspection needs of various materials and assets. Some of the most common methods include:

  • Pulse-Echo Testing: Used for spot measurements, this is the most basic and common technique.
  • PAUT (Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing): An advanced technique for more detailed inspections, especially of welds.
  • Pitch-Catch Testing: Used for thicker materials, with transducers on both sides of the test surface.
  • A-Scans
    A-Scans are amplitude scans that operate in only one dimension, measuring the thickness at a specific point. It is a simple and straightforward method to obtain surface thickness, but it doesn’t provide detailed information about surrounding areas.
  • B-Scans
    The B-Scan is a more advanced method that combines multiple A-Scans to create a two-dimensional (2D) scan. This allows for measuring thickness at different points, creating a cross-sectional view of the wall or surface being inspected. It is useful for obtaining a broader view of a specific area.
  • C-Scans
    The C-Scan is a three-dimensional (3D) scan, also known as a color scan. It creates a 3D map of the inspected area, highlighting thickness variations with different colors. This method is especially effective for identifying pitting corrosion in pressure vessels and other critical surfaces.

With the Elios 3, these techniques can be performed in hard-to-reach areas, minimizing downtime and costs associated with traditional inspections.

Ultrasonic Testing Equipment: Evolution and Innovation

Ultrasonic testing equipment has evolved considerably in recent years, especially with the introduction of remote technologies like drones. Traditionally, UT required manually operated portable equipment, which posed safety risks for workers and demanded long preparation hours.

With the Elios 3, this process is automated and optimized. Equipped with an ultrasonic probe and a LiDAR camera, the drone not only performs ultrasonic measurements but also creates a 3D model of the inspected asset. This ensures measurement accuracy and allows future inspections to be compared to previous data with ease.

UT Drones: The Future of Industrial Inspections

The introduction of UT drones like the Elios 3 represents a revolutionary shift in non-destructive testing (NDT) practices. Using a drone to perform ultrasonic measurements means that teams can access previously dangerous or unreachable locations quickly and safely.

The Elios 3 allows inspections to be conducted in areas such as:

  • Industrial tanks with double walls
  • Industrial chimneys at great heights
  • Ship hulls without the need for scaffolding assembly

Moreover, the drone can carry out these inspections with a minimal crew, typically consisting of two operators, instead of large teams required by traditional access methods.

Efficiency and Safety with the Elios 3

By using the Elios 3 for UT inspections, companies can achieve faster, safer, and more efficient results. The need for scaffolding, elevated platforms, or rope systems is eliminated, and the preparation time for the inspection is drastically reduced.

As an example of efficiency, a traditional ship hull inspection may require up to 15,000 hours of work for scaffolding assembly and disassembly. With the Elios 3, that same inspection can be completed in just a few minutes, with data collected and analyzed in real-time.

Conduct a Proof of Concept with XD4Solutions

If your company is looking for the best technology to conduct safe and efficient inspections in industrial tanks, contact XD4Solutions to set up a proof of concept. As the official representative of Flyability in Brazil, we guarantee specialized technical support and the best conditions to acquire the Elios 3, revolutionizing your inspection operations.Don’t miss out on this opportunity—reach out to XD4Solutions today to learn how Elios 3 can transform your industrial inspection processes!

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