The industrial inspection sector is undergoing a revolution, and caged drones are at the forefront of this transformation. These devices not only enhance operational safety but also optimize costs and efficiency. Drone cages provide a practical and secure solution by protecting both the equipment and the people involved in the process.

What is a Drone Cage and Why is it Essential?

A drone cage serves a dual purpose: it protects both people and the drone itself. Surrounding the propellers, the cage acts as a shield, allowing the drone to operate in hazardous or confined environments without the risk of damage, even in the case of collisions. More importantly, a drone equipped with a high-quality cage, like Flyability models, can continue flying after impacts, providing unmatched safety and efficiency in internal inspections.

With our drones, your company can save both time and money while ensuring team safety. Instead of deploying personnel into difficult-to-access areas, such as storage tanks or underground mines, use caged drones like the Elios 3. These drones reduce the risk of accidents and increase the precision of inspections, offering a safer and more cost-effective solution.

Drone Cage Use Cases: Why Does Your Company Need One?

Drone cages stand out in industrial environments and emergency situations. Imagine a confined space, such as a nuclear power plant or a fuel tank, where human access is extremely dangerous. In these scenarios, a caged drone becomes indispensable.

After the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, Flyability was born to solve the issue of safely accessing contaminated areas. Since then, caged drones have been used across a variety of industries to prevent humans from entering hazardous environments.

Here are some of the key industries that can benefit from Flyability’s caged drones, available at XD4Solutions:

  • Nuclear Industry: Perform safe inspections of reactors and containment systems.
  • Mining: Inspect galleries and stopes without putting human lives at risk.
  • Oil & Gas: Deploy drones inside boilers and pressure vessels, avoiding the use of scaffolding and reducing operational costs.
  • Rescue and Firefighting: Access unstable buildings after disasters to gather vital visual information for rescue operations.

What Types of Drone Cages Are Available?

When we talk about drone cages, it’s important to understand that they come in three main types:

  • Add-on Cages: These are accessories attached to commercial drones, designed to protect the propellers. Examples include drones from DJI, like the Mavic 2 Enterprise. While useful, these drones were not originally designed for confined or industrial environments like boilers or mines.
  • Decoupled Cages: Found on drones like the Elios 1, the cage is separated from the drone’s frame and allows for greater stability during collisions. This ensures that the drone continues to operate without losing its flight path, even after impact.
  • Fixed Cages: Drones like the Elios 2 and Elios 3 have fixed cages incorporated into their design. This approach ensures a high level of collision tolerance, allowing the drone to operate safely in confined spaces, even with impacts of up to 3 meters per second. This guarantees unparalleled flight stability, ideal for industrial inspections.

Why Choose Flyability Caged Drones?

Flyability’s drones are the most advanced on the market for internal inspections. Designed to withstand collisions and operate in harsh environments, they ensure safe flight without losing control or stability. Additionally, the Elios 2 and Elios 3 come equipped with several features that make them the ideal choice for your company:

  • GPS-Free Stabilization: The drone remains stable even in areas where GPS is unavailable, such as tunnels or mines.
  • Full HD Live Transmission: Capture high-quality visual data, allowing for real-time assessment.
  • Oblique Lighting: Ideal for highlighting textures and identifying defects during industrial inspections.
  • LiDAR Sensor: Provides real-time 3D mapping, essential for high-precision operations.

The Importance of Drones for Safe Inspections in Confined Spaces

The primary advantage of using a caged drone for inspections is safety. When you send a drone instead of a person into a confined space, you eliminate the risks associated with dangerous environments. Additionally, companies save time and money by avoiding the need to construct scaffolding or shut down operations.

Another significant benefit is real-time data collection. With drones like the Elios 3, you can obtain detailed images and videos from any location, without interruptions, helping companies make quick and informed decisions.

Caged drones are the perfect solution for safe and efficient inspections in confined spaces. At XD4Solutions, we offer Flyability drones, the leaders in drone technology for internal spaces. Reach out to us now and find out how we can help your company save time, money, and ensure safety in your operations.

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