Drones in Mining: A Complete Guide

The use of drones in mining brings a wide range of benefits for mine owners, operators, and workers. From improved safety to faster data collection and clearer records, drones offer numerous advantages. This guide covers everything you need to know about the use of drones in mining.

Introduction to Drones in Mining

Ten years ago, the use of drones in mining seemed distant. Today, they are widely used in mines around the world, offering various benefits. This is due to drones’ ability to collect data remotely and be rapidly deployed. Whether you need to inspect an ore chimney or conduct an aerial survey, drones can provide the solution. With a variety of specializations for using drones in mining, the question is no longer whether a drone can be used, but which one is most suitable for your project.

Benefits of Drones in Mining

Although mining is one of humanity’s oldest activities, enabling us to build complex societies, it is also a sector filled with dangers. Excavations pose risks to both personnel and the environment, including landslides, collapses, and contamination.

The primary focus of using drones in mining is on data collection, whether for topographic surveys, visual inspections, or LiDAR scans. Collecting information through drones in open-pit mines, underground operations, or other types of projects helps make more informed decisions and keeps people safe.

Here are some of the key benefits of using drones in mining:

1. Safety
Drones allow remote access to dangerous environments, whether through aerial data collection or inspections inside confined spaces in underground mines. In these areas, drones can be sent ahead of teams, assessing conditions and gathering crucial information to ensure safety.

2. Access
Drones can reach areas that people cannot easily access. Whether for quick deployment in aerial surveys or for inspecting old or decommissioned areas, drones provide an unprecedented level of access. This not only speeds up operations but also delivers a much larger volume of data.

3. Efficiency
Combining higher safety standards, better access, and broader data coverage, drones allow work to be completed more quickly. Detailed LiDAR scans and aerial mapping help monitor progress and support decision-making. The high-quality data reduces the margin of error and improves communication between teams, optimizing mine operations.

Beyond these benefits, drones also facilitate mine digitization, provide better record-keeping, and make the reporting process easier, among many other advantages.

Applications of Drones in Mining

Whether you are using a fixed-wing drone or a rotary model, there are several applications for drones in the mining sector. Here are a few examples of how drones can be used:

  • Stope volume measurement: LiDAR scans in underground environments.
  • Backfill calculations: Drone data can perform this task with precision.
  • Mapping and topographic surveys: Crucial for analyzing dangerous environments or updating records.
  • Inventory management: Includes volume calculations and material tracking.
  • Progress monitoring: Aerial maps allow mine managers to track the progress of operations.
  • Change detection: Accurate drones allow for tunnel change identification and convergence monitoring, vital for mine safety.
  • Emergency response: Drones can be used to assess floods or safely locate people trapped in underground areas.
  • Blast evaluation: Image analysis before and after explosions to determine practice effectiveness and what can be improved.
  • Asset management: Drones can inspect key infrastructure, such as conveyor belts and ventilation systems, reducing downtime.
  • Planning: Drone-based maps help with logistical planning of routes and excavations.
  • Blockage location: When an ore chimney or chute is blocked, drones offer rapid situational awareness, reducing disruptions.

Guide to Choosing the Right Drone for Mining

The first thing to consider before purchasing a drone is the type of application you intend to perform. There are multi-rotor drones, which fly with great agility in complex environments, and fixed-wing drones, which can glide for hours and collect topographic data over large areas.

Fixed-Wing Drones in Mining

Fixed-wing drones are ideal for open-pit mines and large operations where extensive surveying is needed. They can capture photos for photogrammetry or orthomosaics, or use LiDAR to generate detailed 3D maps of the terrain.

Rotary Drones in Mining

Rotary drones are more agile and useful for close-up and detailed inspections rather than large-area surveys. They can be used to inspect assets such as cranes or specific areas of the mine. These drones have quick deployments and shorter flight times, making them ideal for hard-to-reach locations.

Some rotary drones feature protective cages, making them suitable for operating in confined spaces such as underground mines. The Elios 3, for example, is capable of flying in GPS-deprived environments and accessing areas that would be dangerous for workers.

The Ideal Drone for Mining: Elios 3

The Elios 3 is the perfect drone for mining operations. With a protective cage that allows it to fly in complex and GPS-deprived environments, it collects data in previously inaccessible locations. Equipped with a 12 MP camera and capable of capturing 4K video, the Elios 3 also has a LiDAR that collects 1 million points per second with centimeter-level accuracy.

This drone has already been used in mines worldwide, monitoring essential infrastructure and exploring old operations, as well as identifying blockages in ore chimneys. The Elios 3 is a proven example of how drones are revolutionizing mining, improving safety, efficiency, and access to challenging environments.

Modernizing Mining Operations with XD4 Solutions

At XD4 Solutions, you can modernize your mining operations using Flyability drones, global leaders in inspection technology. Our drones bring safety, efficiency, and precision to every mission. Contact us today and discover how we can help your company adopt these innovative solutions and increase your productivity.

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